Here we go!

Anna, Fri 10 May 2019, Posts

Hello everyone!

Since our last update, Anna began her work at a private high school and is already enjoying it despite the long hours and difficulties she’s facing as a first-year teacher. Audra and I are both part-time at the kindergarten this year, which is a huge help with studying Japanese, and I’m not a complete greenhorn anymore, so I would no longer say I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off like I did at the beginning of last year. All-in-all the new school year has started off well for all of us, although we’re still figuring some things out with all of our classes, but what I want to focus on in this post is some exciting new developments.

One of the main prayer requests from our last update was finding a church that would partner with us to create an English conversation group as a form of ministry. Already that prayer has been answered! At the start of the new year, we began to attend a church that we had previously visited with our good friend Noriko and her children. We joined the regular service, even though Audra and I understood (and still understand) little to none of the sermon, and then sometimes stayed for tea time along with a handful of other members so we could start forming connections and building relationships. After talking with the pastor, who was quickly interested in our idea for a ministry, and meeting with him and some other members he thought could be involved in the group, he presented the idea to the church’s elders. Fast-forward several weeks, and we got the go ahead to meet twice a month for the conversation group, starting this month! For the first several meetings, we’re planning to have only church members come so we can work out any kinks and so those who attend can better understand how the group can be a way to reach their friends and other unbelievers with the Good News.

Well that’s it! As many of you know, joining or forming a ministry like this was one of our biggest hopes and goals in coming to Japan, so we’re excited to see what God will do through it. Thank you so much for hoping and praying with us, and we’ll be sure to let you know how it goes!


Prayer Requests

For members of the Things Hoped For Facebook group, we have a more detailed list of prayer requests posted there. Thank you for praying!

"but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect" 1 Peter 3:15