Leaving Japan

Anna, Mon 23 May 2022, Posts

How can I encapsulate nearly five years living in Japan in one post? I won’t even try! I’m thankful for the instructors who worked with me on advancing my degree from Japan, for all my hard-working and helpful coworkers, for all the cute, energetic children I’ve taught during my time here, and for the friends I met along the way! I’m not sure what the future holds, but I hope it will include more travel and the kinds of beautiful scenery and experiences I was able to find in Japan.

I wasn’t sure what I would be doing upon my return to the U.S. other than completing the practicum hours that will allow me to graduate my Master’s program in the fall, but I had half a mind to substitute teach and make a slower transition back to full-time teaching once I found a job in a location I really liked. With that in mind, I passed many ELL jobs over and only applied to one. Before I heard back on that position, though, I was contacted by the principal of another school who had found me online and sold me on a position teaching ELL at an elementary school in Lexington, so that’s where I’ll be headed next.

In the meantime, I’m busy with closing different accounts and filling out various forms of official paperwork before I leave as well as searching for a new apartment and bidding everyone farewell. I’d like to request your prayers on this transition, and other prayer requests and praises from the three of us will be listed below.

I’m very much looking forward to being home again!


Conversation partner After all this time here in Japan (apart from the brief few months before covid where we found a Japanese language group that quickly shut down), I was able to connect with a Japanese language volunteer program! I met a very nice lady who has been my conversation partner once a week for the past few months. I introduced April to her this past week, and they will continue to meet together after I’m gone. This person has two sons my age and has been like a second mother to me since I met her, and I’m very thankful for her.

Apartment It was a lot of work doing it on our own, but Anna’s Japanese language skills really came in handy, and after many trips heaving appliances, furniture, and boxes up eight flights of stairs, we successfully moved into the smaller apartment that Anna and April will likely live in until they themselves leave the country.

Anna’s Dissertation After (almost) countless hours and many late nights, Anna was able to finish her dissertation last Friday with more than half an hour to spare! She now feels that she has a lot more energy to expend on her work and other things. In spite of sacrificing sleep to meet the deadline, it’s also a big praise that Anna has been staying healthy.

Prayer Requests:

Anna’s Dissertation Although it’s unlikely that staff going over Anna’s dissertation would fail her at the final hurdle after she met the dissertation requirements, Anna would appreciate prayers that her efforts would be evident and that she will receive the score she needs.

April’s Work/Ministry April’s hours at the kindergarten have increased due to the kindergarten being understaffed since March, but at the same time she wants to continue working more towards ministry. Please pray for guidance for her!

Covid Restrictions The country is still pretty closed in terms of ministry opportunities where we are, but as April mentioned in the last prayer request, she and Anna are hoping to move forward with in-person meetings in the coming months, so please continue to pray for God’s guidance for the English group and other potential ministry opportunities.

Thank you for following along with me on this journey, and I especially want to thank those who have been praying. I’m very thankful for you all!
